Indications for aromatherapy
Aromatherapy for each patient for the shortage of
natural aromatic compounds in the body. Keep in mind that the primary effect of
aromatherapy - biocontrol and adaptogenic. These properties play an important
role in the treatment of most disorders.
Indications for aromatherapy are:
1. Viral, bacterial disease - acute respiratory
infections, viral infections, influenza, bronchitis. Aromatherapy is used in
this case as a prophylactic and therapeutic methods.
2. Violations neuropsychological nature maladaptive
disorders - stress, fatigue, overexertion, rehabilitation after shock
situations, rehabilitation of victims and combatants, decreased performance,
concentration in drudgery.
3. Disorders of emotional states in the form of
neurosis, anxiety, depression, sexuality (impotence, frigidity),
asthenic-neurotic state.
4. Initial forms of atherosclerosis, coronary heart
disease, neuro dystonia, hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, hypotension.
5. Secondary immunodeficiencies caused by chemical,
radiation and stress factors, chronic inflammation, the action of antibiotics.
6. Radiation damage associated with chronic exposure
to the place of residence or occupational exposures, the initial stage of the
cancer process associated with these factors.
7. Nosocomial infection and postoperative
complications of bacterial and viral in nature.
8. Prevention and mitigation of the aging process.
9. Violation of adaptation (acclimation period), the
phenomenon desinhroza across time zones.
10. Shortfall of volatile fractions of essential oil
plants in the region with their low natural abundance in the atmosphere - the
Far North, the Arctic.
11. Fungal infections and diseases caused by decreased
immunoreactivity, a chronic carrier state, pathogenic resistance to
12. Effects of chronic intoxication with salts of
heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides at work and when living in ecologically
unfavorable conditions.
13. Cosmetic problems, normalization of the
physiological properties of the skin, reducing the symptoms of aging.
14. Violations of the microcirculation in organs,
tissues, limbs, vascular origin from sedentary lifestyles, vascular spasm, the
initial form of atherosclerosis.