The short business plan «House of butterflies»
Today there is no such a project on the territory from the center to the south of Israel; there is a small exposition in Netania in the park "Utopia", but not at the level which is necessary for tourist object;
The project is simultaneously educational and entertaining;
The project can be object of tourism;
The project allows to earn financial assets not only from sale of tickets and carrying out of object lessons of wildlife, but also from realization of accompanying services to visitors (a photo, video shootings, badges, tags, emblems, labels, stickers, collections of dry butterflies, thematic marks, souvenir compositions, an ikebana, bansey, baseball caps, vests, handles, mugs - all it with emblems of the House of butterflies, etc.); it is necessary to organize a playground for children with mini-attractions;
Similar business now widely extends in the Europe and USA, that means, it is profitable;
The business description:
The object represents a complex of constructions from easy modular designs for: - growth, reproduction and cultivation of a biological material;
A premises for the personnel, guides and security guards;
The basic building for placing of a winter garden with tropical plants, reservoirs for exotic small fishes, open-air cages for songbirds, for flight of butterflies not less than 100 kinds;
A premises for a bar, cafe;
A premises for trading souvenir, a photo, video, etc. production;
A premises for processing and printing of a photo, video data;
A premises for office of managers of object;
A premises for cash desk and gain storage;
A premises for the electrical workshop, the fitter workshop, the carpenter workshop
A premises for power and compressor installations, equipments of a micro-climate and lights control;
The ground area under object placing should be from the category unsuitable to use for agriculture, housing and industrial building and, it is desirable, should be in place easily accessible to potential visitors "through passage" on routes of tourist groups (park zones, recreations, campuses, the markets, and so on);
The area under object should be not less than 1-2 hectares;
The list of staff of own personnel of employees:
The manager of object: 1 established post with the salary not less than 15000 shekels;
The entomologist-guide: 2 posts with the salary not less than 5000 shekels everyone;
The electrician-mechanic-welder: 1 post with the salary not less than 5000 shekels;
The mechanic for instruments and equipment for control electronics and automatics of all kinds: 1 post with the salary not less than 5000 shekels;
Sellers, barmen, waiters, security guards, photographers etc. - under contracts with firms-counterparts;
Variants of financing of the project:
Joint-stock company creation, issue of actions, their realization;
Proceeds of credit of banks; demand lines of credit of the financial companies;
Means of investors-partners or one investor-owner of business;
The combined variants;
A finding abroad owners of similar business and opening of branch of their firm on their means;
Sequence of actions:
Drawing up of the detailed business plan with the estimate of financing of the project;
Research of financial assets;
Selection of legal firm for constant legal support of the future business;
Consulting, marketing of offered business in Israel;
Project search abroad, acquisition of the design-budget documentation;
Search and ground area registration;
Manufacturing of the design budget documentation;
The order of modular designs;
Selection of the general contractor and registration with it of contractual relations;
Installation of buildings, constructions, premises, commissioning;
In parallel with building and design works personnel selection will be made, the technology of work with a biological material will be got, the personnel will be trained, the biological material (directly ahead of object start) will be bought and cultivated, and also all accompanying sphere of services will be organized;
Also contracts in parallel will be consist and all kinds of documents will be made out – legal support of the project will be carried out from the first day of the work;
Advertizing promotion of business.
Rough expenses on the business organization:
- All many-sided nature and complexity of the project allows to consider as the most probable the sum in 1,5 – 2 million US dollars;
- Operational expenditure within 1 year of work will be not less than 250000 dollars;
Thus, total expenses on the organization of business and 1 year of work will be nearby 1,75 – 2,25 million US dollars.
Profitableness of business:
Within a year of work it is really possible to receive (from all kinds of service) the gross revenue to 300000 dollars;
At net profit to 60000 dollars;
Thus profitability of business will be within 20% constantly;
Conclusion: the business recoupment really will come through 5 – 8,5 years of work that is quite normal for business projects of such profile.
At the planning it is necessary to remember that:
This business is unique for Israel and therefore there is no competition, consequently, gradual rise in prices and growth of incomes are really possible;
At competent realization of business, the object can be included in all tourist routes and will become one of sights of the state with obligatory visiting by tourist groups that also can attract financial grants from tour operators, from departments on wildlife management, from establishments of education, culture and the state;
Alexander Zabuty, Ph.D. Aricultural(Animals);
phone: 972-8-8545569;
cell.: 972546852571;