Indications hirudotherapy.
Basic steps of the medicinal leech on the human body:
* Anticoagulant (antithrombotic)
* Thrombolytic (clot breakdown)
* Antiischemic (improving blood supply to tissues and organs)
* Analgesic
* Improve microcirculation
* Anti-
* Hypotensive (more normotensive)
* Edematous
* Dekongestiya (bloodletting)
* Antiatherosclerotic
* Bacteriostatic and bactericidal
* Immunostimulatory
* Antispasmodic
* Restore the damaged vessel wall
* Neuroreflex
* Recover neuromuscular impulses
* Energy
Indications hirudotherapy.
Using the properties of saliva and scientific achievements in the field of research and girudologii hirudotherapy possible to summarize the indications for treatment with leeches:
Cardio - vascular system
* Coronary heart disease:
* Hypertension:
* Atherosclerosis.
* Functional heart disease (cardioneurosis).
Gastro - intestinal tract
* Steatosis.
* Chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis (without exacerbation).
* Dyskinesia digestive tract.
* Chronic constipation.
Musculo - skeletal system
* Deforming arthrosis of large and small joints.
* Polyarthritis of various etiologies (the recovery period).
* Vertebral pain syndromes.
* Epicondylitis.
* States after living and sports injuries, bruises, sprains, cartilage injuries of the articular surfaces, dislocation of joints, bruises.
Neurological Diseases
* Osteochondrosis (various locations).
* Herniated disc.
* Vascular disease of the brain and spinal cord, with symptoms of heart failure (with the diagnosis).
* Postinsultus state with residual effects.
* Traumatic brain, spinal trauma (recovery period).
* Neuropathy, neuralgia.
* Cephalgia (with the diagnosis).
* Neurosis, psychological correction.
* Shingles (herpes).
Dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss (with the diagnosis).
Surgical Diseases
* Pathological conditions of the venous system (varicose, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency).
* Post-thrombotic syndrome.
* Hemorrhoids.
* Treatment of scars, infiltrates.
* Deficit venous drainage blood after reconstructive microsurgical operations plan.
* Plastic surgery (recovery period).
* Lymphostasis upper and lower extremities.
* Trophic ulcers.
Gynecological diseases
* Adhesions in the pelvis inflammatory and after surgery.
* Pelvic vein thrombosis.
* Polycystic ovaries (with the diagnosis).
* Fibroids of the uterus (with the diagnosis).
* Endometriosis (with the diagnosis).
* Climacteric syndrome.
* Infertility (secondary).
Painful menstrual periods.
* Mastitis, mastitis (with the diagnosis).
Diseases of the genitourinary system
* Polycystic kidney disease (with the diagnosis).
* Chronic prostatitis.
* Enlarged prostate.
* Sexual Disorders.
Eye diseases
* Glaucoma.
* Cataracts.
* Optic neuritis.
* Diseases of the retina (with the diagnosis).
* Vascular Pathology of the retina, optic nerve (thrombosis, spasms).
Endocrine diseases
* Climacteric syndrome.
* Metabolic syndrome.
* Thyroid dysfunction.
ENT - Diseases
* Cochlear neuritis (tinnitus).
* Sensorineural hearing loss.
* The consequences of ear trauma.
Skin diseases
* Eczema.
* Psoriasis.
* Acne, boils.
Dental diseases
* Periodontal Disease.